You Should Join Me Because I Will Show You How To
And Then Keep Your Salon Packed For Life!
In the first 90 minutes we meet together I’m going to give you a proven salon system that guarantees to increase your salon turnover by 30% in 48 hours.
Then I’m going to give you another proven salon system that I promise will increase every single bill in your salon
Then I’m going to show you how to increase every aspect of your business with NO NEW CLIENTS
Then I’m going to show you how to become the number one salon in your town in 21 days or less
How can I do that?
I cannot believe how many of you on this salon list DON’T yet use Salon Marketing School. That is just CRAZY! Salon Marketing School actually gives you the ability to increase salon takings by 30% in a single day! I should know, you get what I did in my own salons for 20 years and it works!
Anyway …
Unlike the mass of so-called salon experts online that have never been a hairdresser never mind owned a salon I had salons for twenty years. I started my hairdressing career in 1978! I got my license in 1982. I opened my first salon in 1989. I took my first salon from 250 sq ft to 200 sq ft. I took all of my salons from start-up to number one position. I’ve been training salon owners all over the globe since 1999. One of the most famous marketing experts on the planet and best selling author Jay Conrad Levinson called my marketing mind ‘BRILLIANT’
I think just to start with that’s a good enough reason to listen to me – don’t you?
How about this reason … I’m probably the most ripped off salon expert on the web today with literally dozens of wanna-be experts downloading my materials, copying them and reselling them. Some call that stealing, I call it flattery.
Then of course there are more reasons.
How about I have turned around salons all over the world and turned them around fast – very fast!
Like one salon owner that was about to go bust, had the taxman and dozens of creditorsshe had no idea about marketing.
She suffered from NO new clients, NO referal program, NO management skills, NO staffing programs, NO proven cash-flow formula, her staff kept walking out and frankly it was an absolute mess!
The first thing I did for her was… stabilize her salon so she could survive. Within one week her takings were UP 30% as I always promise.
The next thing I did was use a leveraging system to increase salon takings with NO new clients. Within 4 weeks her turnover increased by 54% with NO NEW CLIENTS.
I showed her:
- How to get and keep top staff
- How to increase every average bill in the salon
- How to create a point to point system for clients (amazing, creates real loyalty with clients)
- How to hire and turn a receptionist into the highest money producing person in any salon
- How to get all junior staff believing they are top stylists
- How to use free marketing to get 116% increase
- And how to GET OFF the salon floor and get her salon running on auto-pilot
She went from almost hysterical and broke to a successful salon owner with TWO NEW businesses that made her huge amounts of cash… I SHOWED HER HOW TO DO THAT.
So is it worth listening to me? I’ll leave you to decide on that.
Have you tried Salon Marketing School yet? Dozens have and if you are not one of them I’m not sure why.
You get over 20 years of rock-solid salon and marketing experience wrapped up into 6 powerful MP3 recordings with handbooks to match.
One salon owner using Salon Marketing School experienced OVER 400 new clients in a single campaign … That was crazy but true!
Why not try it and if you don’t like it, ask for a refund?
Frankly I wish someone had given me this same advice I share in Salon Marketing School it would have saved my life on many occasions.
Anyway for now I’m out of here.
Don’t be crazy, try the school and refund if it’s no good. You’ll learn how to increase your salon takings by 30% in a week! Cool right. Then I’ll share with you all the other cool stuff you need to know and need to know NOW!
Listen I know things are tight out there. We have many salons here where we live and I rarely see any busy. I also know if they had the information we give out in Salon marketing School, they would be packed to the hilt!
Grab your 100% refund promise Salon Marketing School here.
Hope to see you soon in September at my live masterclass for salon owners.