Salon Extreme 21 Went Officially Live – Here’s What Happened at Pro Hair Live Manchester.
We are tired. The days were long but it was worth it.
You can see the photos on our Facebook page.
I loved going to and hanging out with over 7000 salon owners this weekend at in Manchester. We had a stall as you can see from the photo.
Let me take one step back for a moment and share some things with you that will help you as a salon owner or manager. It’s a bit of history but stick with it will help.
My life in hairdressing
I did my first haircut in 1978. My pal wanted to look like Jonny Rotten from the Sex Pistols so I did the deed. His mother almost killed me. I had to jump out of a window to escape her. Then after getting fired for being over creative from every salon I worked at I finally opened my fist salon in 1989.
Did I have salon problems?
You name it faced it. From staff walkouts to zero hair customers I’ve lived it and done it.
When I finally sold my three salons in 2003 I held top slot in the towns, they were packed from morning until night, we had 16 stylists under control and doing exactly what they should be doing – working and making the salon money whilst getting paid, having fun and being number one!
- I had the taxman screaming at me.
- I had the stock being stolen.
- I had stylists stealing cash and stock.
- I had phantom appointments day in day out.
- I had lost times when stylist turned everyone away so they could sit and plan their weekends in the back room.
- I had zero retails sales and just about any other problem yet I solved most of the usual salon problem and created a business that created for me a great life.
- My salons gave me a huge detached house sitting on one acre with brand new German cars parked outside.
- It also gave me 4 holidays every year.
- It also gave me spending money and a good lifestyle for my kids and family.
- And I even managed to work out how to get off the shop floor so I could drop off and pick up my kids from school every day.
How? Salon marketing – The early days!
Because in 1991 I discovered a secret no cosmetic company or rep or trainer could ever tell me and it was this.
How to market my salon so effectively, that it took my failing salon to No.1 in a town with 35 established salons.
Despite the fact that some salons had been there for 35 years plus and were the town’s first choice once I discovered how to create a salon that was unique in a town with 35 salons the same I knocked them from the top slot and established myself as number one very quickly.
And it was easier than you might think.
I used simple systems that encouraged hair clients to come back into my salon
Here are a few things I was doing.
- Charging 3x more than anyone else despite being a new salon.
- Created new hair services that no one had heard of.
- Created a wage system that created a team of the highest paid hairdresser for a hundred miles.
- Created new client incentives to come back sooner.
- Created a program where even if stylists moved across the road it would make no difference.
- Had a new client rate of over 50%
- Had a colour rate for clients of over 65%
- Had a system to recover clients as high as 91% of missing clients
- Created a reception system that stopped phantom and no show clients in their tracks.
And so much more of just about everything that helped me create three incredible business from my salons.
I wrote a hair salon marketing book
In 1999 I decided to write a book about what I had been doing and started to sell thousands of them online. The most famous and most ripped off being salon column builder. Almost all salon products online today are either a direct rip off and copy of salon column builder as are a lot of my others books like Super Stylist and the others.
I sold those books through which was a domain name I went on to lose as I simply forgot to renew it. So became
To be honest I lost a little heart with the salon business especially with so much of my material just being picked up, copied and stolen by so many amateurs desperate to be experts online so for some time I backed off and focused on my other company where I still dealt with salon owners at a much more personal level.
For example during that time one mentor student of mine named Caroline Sanderson approached me with her salon.
- Her salon was bust, absolutely totally and completely bust. She wanted to know hoe to sell it and sell it fast.
- Her staff had walked out again.
- She was massively in debt.
- She had no idea about marketing.
- No idea about anything despite having her salon for almost 9-years.
- She had lost all of her clients.
- Sold almost no colour or retail.
- It was an absolute total disastrous mess.
But for me to fix as long as she would do exactly as I told her I still felt it could be fixed.
She did almost everything I told her to do.
Within a week of investing around £15,000 into my mentoring and rebuilding her business results started to flood in.
Within a month, I had turned her whole business around from top-to-bottom. Within a year, she had gone from a salon about to go bankrupt to a highly success story.
She wrote to me the following
“I can hardly believe the change in not only my business but in ME. Alan’s strategies and advice with guidance and fun along the way took my business to a 116% rise in one year.
It would have been more but I had to make HUGE decisions along the way to create the salon of my dreams which meant having the confidence to make changes and get the people out who I knew deep down were not right for me and my business in the long term. I don’t know how long it would have taken me to make these changes without Alan’s support.
With Alan’s support I made the changes and overall growth of 116% in my salon.
I have taken what Alan has taught me with my own skills and knowledge and have not only taken my business to near full capacity but he have given me a better understanding of business and I am just about to launch 2-big projects out with the salon. I now have the confidence and knowledge to push my career forward and create the work life I wanted.
He has genius ideas that were so inspiring I didn’t take much time to get excited and start putting them into action. Anyone thinking of working with Alan I would say go for it. There’s absolutely no question It will change your life like it did mine.
Since working with Alan my life and salon have been transformed!
Her results speak for themselves …
- I have 12 weeks Holiday Each Year
- I work ONE Day a Week On The Salon Floor
- Bought a new New Car
- New Client Rate Up To 32%
- Has: Rebooking from 15% to 180%
- New Staff Applications Through The Roof
- From Salon Zero To Number One in my City
- Marketing Budget Reduced To Almost Zero
- Ability To Fill Her Salon in Less Than An Hour
- Number one Facebook Salon in her city
- Mastered Facebook for Client Management
- New Website On Page One of Google • Existing Stylists All Packed Out Everyday
- Salon Services UP 105%
- Salon Retail Sales UP 72%
- Salon Expansion Despite High-Street Closures – Despite Client Rates Falling
Thank you Alan
Caroline Sanderson, Ego Hair Inverness
She was so impressed in fact she went on to start a new business trying to teach other salon owners what I taught her, even copying everything in all of my books and selling them as her own. Actually it wasn’t funny then but I can laugh now because it really shows how powerful the information was I was sharing with others.
Pro Hair Live …
So going back to this weekend at the ProHairLive exhibition in Manchester. I had forgotten how many of you are suffering from the very same problems that I had faced years ago. Staff, clients, systems and more.
The only real difference was most of who I spoke to had spent good money into some of these new experts but felt a little cheated by the lack of results. At the end of the day all this copying other experts is well and good but it’s hard to beat the real thing right.
The other thing was that a lot of you were being burdened by the reps to invest into more and more stock on the back of a promise that this would make your salon business yet all it had really done was give you some huge invoices that had to be paid even if they were now being paid late.
Some problems just never go away and won’t go away unless they are addressed using something that is salon tested and salon proven.
Now despite selling my salons in 2003 and having these salons over 20-eyars I have still been working with the salon industry. Not only have I transformed salons like Caroline’s but I have worked with some of the biggest salons in the UK – household names that I cannot write hear due to confidentiality agreements. And of course the results have been incredible.
So why were we at Pro Hair Live?
I decided to create a new hair salon marketing manual. This manual would have only real salon tools that have been tested not just in salons but in other businesses.
The difference with myself is I have worked with over 400 industries with marketing strategies to date. I have helped large corporations about to go on the stock exchange to multi-million pound corporations to single and super successful entrepreneurs outside hairdressing.
I have tested strategy after strategy across the board in many industries yet I am still being drawn back into the world of hairdressing.
So I decided to do this for salon owners that really can’t afford my £15,000 services right now.
I decided to write a new manual that hadn’t been copied by anyone.
That new manual would be on paper not digital so it would be harder to copy.
The new manual would also be designed as a workbook so you the salon owner or manager could place it on your desk and work with it every morning of every day of every week.
That means it is written in such an easy style that it has been written in
- Easy to read chapters or pages.
- All chapters are stand-alone so can be used alone without the full manual.
- Designed to help you understand in a simple way what salon marketing actually is
- Designed to help you understand the science of how your client thinks.
- How to manage your staff and how to get the most from your staff
And frankly, if you want more cash in the drawer at the end of the week… this does exactly that!
When I had salons I was like you. I had kids to feed, staff to pay, bills to cover, rent, stock and all the other stuff that comes with running a salon. Everything I did was designed to do just that – pay for everything and give me more than enough to spend.
Anyway, it was good to see all of you at ProHairLive. Thank you to those that knew us and came over and said hello. Thanks also to those that grabbed on of the Salon Extreme 21 manuals and thanks for your quick feedback on something you all pear to love and even be blown away with.
And before I leave you today although we sold out of manuals we do have three here that were our display copies.
They are 100% in new condition.
You can have the discount price of £145 rather than the £195 but you will still have to pay for the postage which is around £10.
Like I said there are three here under the table if you want one you’d better react quickly. At the bottom of this post l I will post a table of contents to remind you what is in them.
So for now, thank you again.
We will be at ProSalonLive in London in April. We will also have a new salon manual ready for you hopefully by then.
It is new different and very strong. I know if I was a salon owner I’d love it.
It’ll cover a lot of questions you as salon owners have about salon problems (and if you have any now that need to be addressed let me know and I will add it to the manual.
So… just as a quick reminder of what is in Salon Extreme 21 I have copied this from the page for now.
Hopefully I can meet you face-to-face in April in London at ProHairLive?
Have a great day and please if you have any feedback we really want it right now.
Heres to your success.
Alan and Tamara – Salon Punk.
WARNING: If You Cannot Handle Tons of New Clients In Your Salon This Isn’t For You – Salon Owner Grace Experienced 404 New Clients In a Single After Using SX21 – It Is Highly Effective.
What You Are About To Read Is Not Just Salon Tested, Salon Proven or Money-Back Guaranteed – It’s Also Salon PERFECT!
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How to Out-Market Your Salon Competition With Simple Salon Building Strategies Absolutely Guaranteed Bring You A Flood Of Clients In Days!
* Step-By-Step Salon Marketing Anyone Can Do
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* Probably The Greatest Salon Marketing ‘HOW TO’ guide Ever Created!
* Up to 400 Pages of ‘How To’ Build Your Salon Empire
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Here’s some of what you get in salon extreme 21
Everything you need to pack out your salon the SALON EXTREME 21 way is in the desktop manual.
* 379 Page Desktop Manual
* 38,000 words on salon marketing
* Dozens of easy-to-copy examples
* Worksheets
* FREE manual Updates (online)
* Page 22. Understanding real salon marketing
* Page 31. Getting your stylist busy with simple planning
* Page 37. How to know what a client is really worth
* Page 48. How to create the perfect salon team
* Page 52. How to know what you want to create for your life from your salon
* Page 55. How to interview a new team
* Page 59. How to educate your new staff quickly
* Page 67. How to be sure your stylists understand the SALON EXTREME 21 program
* Page 72. How to do a SALON EXTREME 21 consultation
* Page 82. How to make sure your stylist starts prepared and informed on day one!
* Page 90. How to create SALON EXTREME 21 RESULTS GOALS
* Page 97. What kind of salon marketing works best?
* Page 98. how to get dirt cheap advertising rates!
* Page 100. Should you use Facebook for marketing?
* Page 106. How to increase your salon takings four-fold
* Page 116. Classifieds adverts how to grab clients from them
* Page 136. How to create a flood of clients in minutes!
* Page 144. How to ramp up sales using a business card
* Page 154. The secret of getting referrals
* Page 159. How to fill your salon using SMS/text
* Page 166. How to really use social media for SALON EXTREME 21 results
* Page 170. How to get any new stylist started the SALON EXTREME 21 way
* Page 183. 3-Magic words your stylist must use every day
* Page 190. How to pack out any new column 4-weeks before a new stylist starts!
* Page 203 How to use TAGME EX21 for mass of clients
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