Sometimes however you want to try you just can’t drag the clients in, after all, if they are parting in Ibiza, the best thing seems to do is to join them. But, it’s also a great time to become creative and actually, increase the footfall into the shop.
Here are some ideas
1. Throw your own party
Do you have a reason to celebrate? Perhaps it’s the 20th anniversary of the opening summer, or your salon has recently turned 1? So, host an event and invite the community to help you celebrate. Offer a special hair show demonstration from kids to parents. Your team will love it too.
2. Partner up
Don’t go all solo, tap into other people’s resources and join forces. If you are throwing a party, see if the bakery next door can join in and bring the clients together. Or simply ramp up the cross promotions, distribute flyers to each other’s stores or come up with a brand new package to delight your customers.
3. Special summer products
When did you last create a new service or product? Use limited summer days for limited services or package offers. Aim to create the buzz with the new services and make sure everyone knows about your offer.
4. Take part in the fairs and festivals.
Hosting your own party is too much for you right now? Take part in the fairs and festivals. You may not get floods of people turning into loyal clients, especially if festival goers are from the other towns, but you will create a new buzz, new branding opportunity, cash in the till and a new potion of brand new clients. Just make sure it’s all planned out properly.
5. Dress up everything
From the shopfront to email and social media communications, try to come up with a summer theme that is direct, to the point, but also creative and visually appealing. give people reason to stop and shop.
Moving forward, summer, like New Year’s Eve, is a brilliant opportunity to plan for the rest of the year, use it to plan for the busier months to come, fix the systems that needs fixing, review your team working, individual goals, columns, targets, marketing and watch what happens.
Tamara Machavariani Forrest-Smith from
Salon Punk