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Salon Extreme Mastermind
January 6, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

You are invited to the exclusive Extreme SX Salon Mastermind.
Did you realise you are part of the less than 1%?
That means just under 1% of salon owners will push to do better and reach those levels.
As a salon owner I know you want more from your salon business.
And with my massive and extreme and INSANE salon business building experience I know I can help you more and I know you will feel I can help you more.
Next year I am planning not just my biggest year ever but something very special for just 12-salons.
I am inviting you to become one of those salons. In fact, I want to invite you personally over to my home in Cheshire and spend a full day with other salons owners in the 1% group so we can, brainstorm, mastermind, go through massively successful case studies, plan your new year ahead, make sure you know what next steps to take and …
… I have been testing some new salon stuff with some pretty insane results.
Will you accept your invite?
After the day I guarantee you will be driving back home with clarity, with energy and with a plan of action based on a blueprint I have generated over one million pounds on three other salons this year alone.
But …
You are going to see the stuff and hear the stuff that works absolutely 100% so you can avoid all the time-wasting stuff that is out there right now.
Now …
Some even better news.
There are huge changes in the way marketing works. I know that already and train my salon owners just like you a very different way to get busy in hours, not in years! YES, I did say HOURS!
But this is very cool.
I have spent a few months researching, testing and doing some marketing stuff that is so powerful any salon using it will be literally blown off their feet in weeks. That includes you. And you will be the very first to hear this stuff. I love it. When I showed it to my wife Tamara, she said, “OMG you need to share this stuff with your mentor guys”.
I will and do but they, of course, pay £10,000 for SALON MENTOR EXTREME (which is more powerful than ever) but you are going to be invited to my home for a tiny fraction of that. In fact, you are invited for under £1,000 but more on that in a second.
Listen to this.
Did you realise how most salon marketing is working right now? Some of the research right now is showing shockingly bad results.
Honestly, it isn’t something I didn’t know but even I was shocked when I saw the actual numbers.
And weirdly I would guess almost 100% of so-called salon experts out there right now are teaching what can only be called worse practices.
How do you know if you are affected? Easy ask yourself if you are getting results?
We have tested a way to get your messages – seen – read – noticed and more direct than ever. This is powerful stuff.
Also this endless BREXIT stuff. OMG, we just don’t need it and frankly, if you play your cards right you will be 100% immune to anything taking place.
Every year I start my year with a plan in mind. Why? It works. My wife and I sit and discuss what we are planning and then spend the year accordingly. Have you ever done that? The results and upgrades in results are pretty phenomenal.
Will, you accept this special invite that is only going to around 600 salon owners like yourself? Most, of course, will say no and will start the year hoping everything will change but what about you?
I am determined to make huge waves in this industry next year and I mean more Tsunami than a regular wave.
Everything has changed and it takes s a changemaker to make sure you and I ride on the back of the changes.
If you accept your invite you will leave the deal with an actual blueprint built on the back of real cases studies and successes from the previous year. You will also leave the day with the new ideas, cutting-edge ideas and some cool marketing ideas that I know you won’t be using right now.
Are you ready to kick-start your new year sitting on the back of a rocket or will you simply make the regular new years resolution we all make and then forget 4-days later?
There are just 12 extreme mastermind seats. One has your name on it. Let me know if you want to accept your invite.
You are invited into my home in Bowden in Altrincham in Hales Golden Triangle. It’ll be a day and a start to a New Year I know that you will absolutely love.
There is only one way to grab your spot and that is by phone. Give me a call, you can ask any questions you feel the need to have an answer for and if you want to grab your seat you can do it there and then and if not it really is fine there will be no pressure.
Your ticket is £1,495 but if you grab yours before 30th I will reduce your ticket by £500 so you will just pay £995 … you’ll hardly notice the payment because last January two of my salons more than double their salon weekly turnover despite it being dead around their town. In other words, do what I show you and you will get your money back right away.
Finally, this isn’t s seminar and I don’t live in a mansion so places really are limited due to space. We will all be in my home, I will take the lead, show you real cases studies, show you blueprints for success and help you create your own plan of action for the new year.
This is powerful, powerful stuff. Can you imagine the energy amongst a room of salon owners that are all in the 1% range and want to push for more? Also, this isn’t MENTOR EXTREME this the most gloriously perfect start to the new year for you I can guarantee that.
Now regardless of the size of your salon and turnover of your salon you can do better. I ALWAYS look to doubling my salon owners turnover or creating salons that become the perfect life changing business. We can’t do all of that in a single day but we can get you on a path to bigger, higher and a much more determined success path I know you want otherwise you would never have bought any of my books in the first place.
Ready to accept your invite?
Sunday, January 6th. Location Bowden, Altrincham.
Your exclusive seat price is just £995 if you book before midnight on Monday but it’ll be the regular price of £1,495 after that. You can make a 50% reserve on your seat as long as the balance is settled before December 31st.
Finally, when you arrive you will also meet my wonderful wife Tamara. She will be very pregnant at that stage so if you have tips, gifts or beautiful advice or baby chat for her I know she’d love to share it with you.
I can’t wait to speak with you. Don’t forget this invite has gone to around 600 salon owners just like yourself. There are just 12 seats.
And finally, the reduced price ends at midnight this coming Monday (12th November)
Text me or call me on 07793069486. I perfect text first as I don’t really pick up unknown numbers. I can’t wait to see you.
And … we will sort out lunch and if you need to stay over somewhere we can sort a link out for you close-by. Also, the airport is just 15-minutes from here.
Here is to your best year ever.
We will expect to see you on January 6th.
Alan Forrest Smith.
PS. I am excited about 2019 and have incredible confidence that it will be the best year ever for my salons and myself. I am inviting you to be part of that experience.
PPS. You can also book directly on this website if that works for you. If not – call me and let’s talk.
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