Emily is a 21-year old hairdresser. The problem was when I started working with her and her team was this.
She was just a hairdresser.
She acted like a hairdresser, worked like a hairdresser and did things like a hairdresser.
Now she has completely become extreme.
Here’s how.
Her column was poor, average and massively under delivering.
Numbers were…
No colour
No retail
No redesign
No takings
Low averages
It was bad but she was just a hairdresser.
After just weeks of helping her to make the change into becoming extreme not only is she happy, smiling, laughing and loving her work she has embraced the extreme stylist method and frankly is killing it!
Here’s why.
Her taking just 8-weeks ago were literally just above £200 per week.
Last week she hit a huge £1,800 and that isn’t unusual.
The stylists at this salon had a management problem. That problem was holding everything back. The problem was fixed and the issue was removed.
Now Emily and her team and not only selling tons of colour and other services but the takings have gone through the roof.
For her salon owner boss Rich and Steph it means this.
Just one stylist from many has gone from
£13,000 per year
£93,600 per year
Salon Mentor Extreme Is Now Open: Guaranteed To FIX Your Salon
I am yet to see a salon that cannot be fixed. I am yet to see salon issues that cannot be fixed. I am yet to see numbers that cannot be raised and from what I see and know and what I constantly get told … there is nothing like this in the industry today.
“Alan no one is doing what you do to transform a salon business the way you do and we’ve tried everyone” Rich, Sage Hair Wickham
How long will you wait?
Is this for you and your salon?
Regardless of how long you’ve been open, I can tell you everything can be fixed and fixed very very quickly
Will your salon be next?
Let’s talk.
Alan Forrest Smith
WhatsApp 07793069486
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Email alan@salonpunk.com