- How many new clients did you have two months ago in the salon?
- How many of them have become regulars? If not, do you know why not?
- What is your average ticket price?
- What was it 3 months ago?
- Has it increased or decreased?
- Why has it?
- How many clients did you do this week?
- How many clients did you do last week?
Is it constant, if it is you must be losing some, because if your feeding in clients one end and the number of clients you are doing is the same you must have a whole in the bucket?.
Where is it?
What is it?
Who is it?
You must measure everything to keep up into days market. Look at what all the big guys do( I mean Wal-Mart, Starbucks) do you think they measure? Yep they spend thousands doing it.
Book out time to get these things done yeah you may have to turn one or two client’s away to get time to do it but the rewards are amazing. As I always say where you put your focus is where you get your results?
Try new things out and then measure them! How did that perform if you move the clock in the salon do the stylists run on time better? You can laugh but I did this and it worked. You see sometimes the silliest little things make all the difference.
Head Punk
Alan Forrest Smith
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