Baby-boomers have been replaced by the Millennial Generation, they are some 81 million kids (Source: Google) who already entered college and the workforce and they will spend $1.4 trillion every year (Source: Accenture). Here are 3 (and a bit more) massive Millennial marketing trends you can adopt right now and see what they could mean for your salon business.
1. Social Content
It’s a social time, from Generation YouTube to Instagramming when it comes targeting Millennials online your customers are one of your most valuable tools, simply put, over 50% of your customers trust social proof over any other advertising, so making a point of featuring your clients in action through social media will create trust among other potential clients.
This is great news for any salon owner that either already has an interactive social media followers or plans to build one too.
So, go back and check your social standing and next time you are working on salon marketing make a point to use social platform with the Millenials in mind.
2. Influence The Influencer
The other day we had a coffee with a salon owner, he mentioned he’d went to see one of the superstar hair stylists from the 90s speak. He was surprised that he could hardly count on his hand number of stylists who turned up to hear the “stylists to the stars”.
Well, it’s hardly surprising if you think that the millennials are YouTubing product testimonials before making a purchase. What does it mean? It means that new generation will trust a fellow teenager trying a product and sharing their opinion on YouTube than sadly to the superstars from the 90s.
That is not to say that decades of experience can be replaced but the reality is if you want to sell and sell to the new generation you better find a way to influence who they are influenced by, not who you think is influential.
3. Live Streaming
Really, in today’s image driven society when once’s social status is influenced by the number of Likes, there is little surprise that a live streaming took off. 2/3 of 100 million viewers a month are Millennials. So less TV watching, more Live-streaming means next time you are planning marketing salon incorporate salon Live-Streaming
in your daily to-do list. You may not have a choice otherwise.
… #4 – we would add one more to the list – Do good things – Social Good
Don’t be surprised that Millennials are more a socially conscious generation, a desire
to make a difference is strong, in fact as high as 69% of Millennials want to be part
of the business that contributes to the social good. So whatever you are passionate about, whether it’s equal rights or living green go ahead and make it public, the Millennials will support it.
Happy Millennials marketing
Stay current
Tamara Machavariani Forrest-Smith
Salon Punk